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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. So you want to Build?
  2. Where is the City Hall located?
  3. When is City Hall open?
  4. Where can I obtain water, sewer and garbage service?
  5. Where can I pay my city and county taxes?
  6. When is traffic Court and where do I go? Where can I pay my ticket?
  7. Where do I obtain an accident report?
  8. When and how do I register to vote?
  9. How do I obtain auto license tags and a Tennessee driver's license?
  10. How do I obtain a job with the city of Waverly?
  11. How do I obtain a city business license?
  12. How do I receive a building permit or request an inspection?
  13. Where do I obtain zoning information, flood information, or a 911 address?



1. So you want to build?
Zoning Affects Every Building And Use: Simple questions concerning zoning and allowable uses within a zone can be answered by the Building Official according to the current zoning map and how your property is zoned

Building Permits: What you need will be determined by what you area going to build. Generally, you will need to bring a set of Building Plans and Plot Plans. However, it could be that all you would need to bring is a sketch. Fees will be determined by square footage or construction cost and the number of plumbing fixtures. Any electrical work that would require a permit must be obtained from whichever power company services your area. Pool Permits are required for above ground or in ground pools. You are required and must obtain a permit before any work can be done. You also have other requirements to meet, such as a 48 inch clearance on your pool as well as other restrictions.

Privacy Fences: Be advised, on corner lots where a double front setback is required, and where there is a common rear yard relationship with a lot in the same block, a fence on greater than forty eight (48) inches in height above the existing grade of the land may be installed along the common street line front the front building setback line to the rear of the property line. When installing a fence be aware of all easements, and do not block any storm drainage.

Remember: For further details, please make a call to your City Building Official.

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2. Where is City Hall located?
101 East Main Street, at the intersection of State Rt. 13 and Main Street.

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3. When is City Hall open?
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on legal holidays. City Hall will be closed on the following holidays:

New Years Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
Good Friday
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday After Thanksgiving
½ Day of Christmas Eve
Christmas Day

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4. Where can I obtain water, sewer, and garbage service?
You may come to City Hall at 101 East Main Street from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and fill out an application for service. There will be an $100 connection fee at this time. After service is established water bills may be paid at City Hall during hours of business or after hours drive up deposit located at our Public Works Complex located at 301 North Church Street.

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5. Where can I pay my city and county taxes?
You may pay your city taxes at City Hall, 101 East Main Street; from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mail may be directed to Waverly City Hall, P.O. Box 70, Waverly TN 37185. Humphreys County taxes may be paid to the county Trustee, located in the Court House Annex behind the Court House, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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6. When is traffic court and where do I go? Where can I pay my ticket?
Municipal Court is held at Waverly City Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month at 2:00 p.m. In January, March, May, July, September and November. Traffic school is held at the American Legion on Church Street, scheduling and payment is done online or day of class. You may pay your ticket at the Police Records Citation Office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information please call (931) 296-4300.

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7. Where do I obtain an accident report?
Accident reports are available for a fee of $4.00 at Waverly Police Dept. located at 103 East Main Street. Reports are available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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8. When and how do I register to vote? Anyone over 18 years of age that wishes to register to vote can contact the election Commission of Humphreys County and receive a voter's form by mail. Election Commission (931) 296-6504

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9. How do I obtain auto license tags and a Tennessee driver's license?
New residents from out of state moving to Humphreys County can obtain a Tennessee title and tags from the Humphreys County Court Clerks office, located in the Humphreys County Courthouse Annex. For further information call (931) 296-7671. Tennessee driver's license may be obtained from the Tennessee Department of Safety Driver's Testing Station in Dickson TN.

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10. How do I obtain a job with the City of Waverly?
Job openings are advertised in the local newspapers. Applications may be picked up at the front desk at City Hall, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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11. How do I obtain a city business license?
A business license application may be picked up at the front desk at City Hall during the hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. An application fee of $15.00 should be returned with the completed application.

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12. How do I receive a building permit or request an inspection?
To request an inspection you can call City Hall at (931) 296-2101 ext. 359 for the Building and Codes Department. Building permits require additional information from you.

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13. Where do I obtain zoning information, flood information, or a 911 address?
You may come to City Hall and ask at the front desk to be directed to the Building and Codes Department to look at the zoning maps and flood maps. Applications for a 911 address are available at the Humphreys County 911 Center at 103 East Main Street, Waverly or by calling (931) 296-1684.

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City Hall | 101 East Main Street | Waverly, TN 37185 | (931) 296-1434 Fax | (931) 296-2101